
Showing posts from December, 2023

Entry #7 Fresh

  Fresh (2009) is a documentary meant to act as a wakeup call to society and more specifically American consumers of the dangers of an overindustrialized agriculture industry. The film explores common practices within the industry that many would find shocking and disturbing, one that stuck out to me is the substitution within a cow’s diet. Cows are herbivores that primarily eat grasses, shrubs, flowers, or herbs. Some farmers decided that it was too inefficient, so they then started feeding the cows grains, primarily corn. They then took this further and decided it was even cheaper to just feed other dead cows to their livestock, thus resulting in diseases as cows aren’t meant to eat other cows. The story that Fresh shows about a cow’s diet can even be seen as an allegory for the film entirely. Substitution taken to the extreme. Almost all aspects of our agriculture system are unnatural to the point of being harmful. The agriculture industry is being pushed to extremes that it was nev