
Showing posts from September, 2023

Entry #2 Self-care

  While attending my first-year experience class the topic of self-care and how to better yourself came up so I thought it would be helpful to share what I have gathered so far. Self-care is the practice of nurturing one’s well-being. This is broken down into four distinct points, A purposeful mind, purposeful body, purposeful emotions, and purposeful connectedness. The first point, A purposeful mind, is central to self-care. It involves sharpening your mind through activities that stimulate creativity and mental growth. Some examples might include meditation, creating and working towards personal goals, or even just taking time to think and gain perspective. Creating a purposeful mind is all about managing stress and developing a sense of purpose. Secondly, a purposeful body is just as important in self-care. This promotes physical health through exercise, rest, and a healthy diet. By cultivating a purposeful body not only do you boost your overall energy levels and health, but yo

Entry #1 Blogs

       Blogs are very important in the world we live in. This is the age of information and blogs are one of the best ways to spread this information. They allow the creator to be creative and expressive while writing about the things that interest them. Personally, I have never been a huge consumer of the platform, but I can still appreciate their uses. While researching for this post I have come across a multitude of different types of blogs. Here are two that I recommend and one that I don’t.      The first blog that I enjoyed was Business Insider. ( Insider ( I liked the fact that it had a clear purpose of informing about the world of business in a very easy to understand manner. The blog is categorized and broken down into a multitude of different topics such as Finance, Markets, Retail and more. This allows the reader to find exactly what they are looking for and filter out what they aren’t. The only downside of the blog is their occasional use of clickba