Entry #3 Mint

After finishing a hearty meal and needing something to refresh the palate, I reach for a small aluminum container. The classic red and white design on the case gives it a high class feel. As it opens a cool aroma spread throughout the air. I brush my hand past the small paper encasing the refreshing sensation I desire but stop to read the bold text, “Curiously Strong” it says. Just below the paper lies the small pure white tablets I need. I pop the small disk into my mouth and immediately an intense chilling sensation hits like a strong wind on a winter day. It’s as if I have swallowed a blizzard. The feeling spreads all throughout my body as the chilling shock sharpens my mind. It's as if a veil has been lifted and only now, I am truly awake. It refreshes my breath and mind with its rejuvenating abilities. It takes everything I have to not crunch down on it to hasten the relaxing processes. Sadly, just like snow it begins to melt, and I’m left wanting just one more.


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