
Entry #7 Fresh

  Fresh (2009) is a documentary meant to act as a wakeup call to society and more specifically American consumers of the dangers of an overindustrialized agriculture industry. The film explores common practices within the industry that many would find shocking and disturbing, one that stuck out to me is the substitution within a cow’s diet. Cows are herbivores that primarily eat grasses, shrubs, flowers, or herbs. Some farmers decided that it was too inefficient, so they then started feeding the cows grains, primarily corn. They then took this further and decided it was even cheaper to just feed other dead cows to their livestock, thus resulting in diseases as cows aren’t meant to eat other cows. The story that Fresh shows about a cow’s diet can even be seen as an allegory for the film entirely. Substitution taken to the extreme. Almost all aspects of our agriculture system are unnatural to the point of being harmful. The agriculture industry is being pushed to extremes that it was nev

Entry #4 Bullet Train

       Bullet Train is a 2022 Action Comedy starring Brad Pitt. It follows former assassin, Ladybug, as he gets back in the game with a straightforward mission: snatch an aluminum attaché case from a speedy Shinkansen train bound for Kyoto and return it to its owner in one piece. However, there's always a catch to great-sounding deals. As five vicious hitmen vie for the same silver briefcase, hidden agendas get in the way, and everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Undoubtedly, Ladybug is a bad luck magnet.      For anyone who hasn’t seen it, I highly recommend it. After watching it for the first time it instantly became one of my favorite movies and recently, I’ve been recommended several video essays on YouTube that furthered my love for the movie. So today I would like to share with you what exactly makes this movie so great.      While the movie is considered action-comedy it is almost a mystery or thriller. It certainly gravitates toward the action but between the fist f

Entry #5 Allstate Mayhem

       Today I will discuss and analyze “Allstate mayhem commercial - Dean Winters as Teenage Girl in Pink Truck”. This commercial comedically portrays actor and stuntman Dean Winters as a teenage girl. Throughout the commercial he is on driving and on his phone texting his “BFF” about a boy that she kissed. This upsets Dean and he ends up hitting a parked car and then drives off . It then shows the parked car’s owner coming out to see her damaged vehicle with no one around. Dean then claims that if you have cut rate insurance you could be paying for that yourself. Right before the ad ends it cuts to the Allstate logo as well as an unseen narrator claiming that no one protects you from mayhem like Allstate.     This commercial capitalizes on the rough look of Dean  to create a bit of visual comedy by having him act as a cliché teenage girl. This helps capture and maintain the attention of the viewer but also creates a window to introduce a more serious topic, Insurance and hit and run

Entry #3 Mint

After finishing a hearty meal and needing something to refresh the palate, I reach for a small aluminum container. The classic red and white design on the case gives it a high class feel. As it opens a cool aroma spread throughout the air. I brush my hand past the small paper encasing the refreshing sensation I desire but stop to read the bold text, “Curiously Strong” it says. Just below the paper lies the small pure white tablets I need. I pop the small disk into my mouth and immediately an intense chilling sensation hits like a strong wind on a winter day. It’s as if I have swallowed a blizzard. The feeling spreads all throughout my body as the chilling shock sharpens my mind. It's as if a veil has been lifted and only now, I am truly awake. It refreshes my breath and mind with its rejuvenating abilities. It takes everything I have to not crunch down on it to hasten the relaxing processes. Sadly, just like snow it begins to melt, and I’m left wanting just one more.

Entry #2 Self-care

  While attending my first-year experience class the topic of self-care and how to better yourself came up so I thought it would be helpful to share what I have gathered so far. Self-care is the practice of nurturing one’s well-being. This is broken down into four distinct points, A purposeful mind, purposeful body, purposeful emotions, and purposeful connectedness. The first point, A purposeful mind, is central to self-care. It involves sharpening your mind through activities that stimulate creativity and mental growth. Some examples might include meditation, creating and working towards personal goals, or even just taking time to think and gain perspective. Creating a purposeful mind is all about managing stress and developing a sense of purpose. Secondly, a purposeful body is just as important in self-care. This promotes physical health through exercise, rest, and a healthy diet. By cultivating a purposeful body not only do you boost your overall energy levels and health, but yo

Entry #1 Blogs

       Blogs are very important in the world we live in. This is the age of information and blogs are one of the best ways to spread this information. They allow the creator to be creative and expressive while writing about the things that interest them. Personally, I have never been a huge consumer of the platform, but I can still appreciate their uses. While researching for this post I have come across a multitude of different types of blogs. Here are two that I recommend and one that I don’t.      The first blog that I enjoyed was Business Insider. ( Insider ( I liked the fact that it had a clear purpose of informing about the world of business in a very easy to understand manner. The blog is categorized and broken down into a multitude of different topics such as Finance, Markets, Retail and more. This allows the reader to find exactly what they are looking for and filter out what they aren’t. The only downside of the blog is their occasional use of clickba